The Phoenix Experience - Phoenix Hotel and Chalets

Phoenix 飨宴

在现代和时尚的别墅里,享受WADANO森林的宁静, 价格包含下列项目:

  • 附赠白马特色的迎宾礼
  • 免费使用THE HAPPO酒店温泉
  • 迎宾饮料(仅限含晚餐)
  • Weber BBQ烤炉和设备
  • 每日毛巾更换/垃圾回收
  • 抵达白马时前往别墅接送服务
  • 酒品外送服务

两室一厅的别墅套装价格 74,000日元 起


Slow down. Unwind. Relax. Listen to the music of the forest and embrace the moments among the mountains. From the comfort of your roofed terrace, you are a part of nature–a world away from the bustling city.

The Phoenix Chalets are a lot of style and a touch of luxury– a place of cool comfort in the heart of The Wadano Forest. The mountains are calling. Will you answer?


Phoenix BBQ

您可以享受由白马超人气的高级餐厅Mimi's团队为您准备的精致餐点外送服务。 Mimi’s, Hakuba’s #1 ranked restaurant. Or order a curated barbecue package featuring marinated meats and locally sourced Shinshu vegetables ready to grill as soon as they are delivered.

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来我们Hakuba Hotel Group新装修的THE HAPPO饭店温泉中消除你的疲劳。 (THE HAPPO by Hakuba Hotel Group)Phoenix的预订中都包含了免费使用THE HAPPO温泉。

  • 温泉池
  • 冷泉池
  • 香氛桑拿




Enjoy premium wines at practical prices delivered to your chalet prior to arrival or during your stay.

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Phoenix Chalet Selection